About Us

About the team

We’re a small, passionate team who loves building great software. We’ve previously built intelligence, automation, and personal assistant products at startups and at Apple. In order to scale up the team, we raised $6.5m in seed funding from Dylan Field (Figma), Sam Altman (OpenAI), and others.

We work together in-person, in San Francisco, to create beautiful and useful software. We offer highly competitive salaries, top-notch health benefits (for you and your dependents), 401k, commuter funds, premium hardware, free lunch, snacks and so, so much coffee.


We are a highly collaborative organization. We believe in the magic of working in-person and that we can go farther together. Simultaneously, we view each member of the team as a leader. We’ve seen how people thrive when they become directly responsible for a project or idea. We’re building a team where collaboration, autonomy and accountability co-exist.

We speak honestly and kindly. The success of a close-knit team is dependent on empathetic communication. We try to listen as much as we speak. We find ways to value and respect the other cooks in the kitchen.

We let curiosity drive. There’s a lot we can’t predict about the current evolution of computers and AI. In this rapidly evolving landscape, we can only stay true to our vision by maintaining our curiosity. By constantly asking why. And even moreso, by asking why not. We use questions to drive alignment and decision-making. We use why to inform what to build.


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